14° conferenza LDA - Cambridge 12 settembre 2015

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Messaggi: 51
Iscritto il: 04/01/2015, 7:49

14° conferenza LDA - Cambridge 12 settembre 2015

Messaggioda Zalmoxis » 25/08/2015, 10:12

Non sapendo dove postare la notizia e credendo possa essere utile ai più, ecco un incontro con alcuni noti esperti sul Lyme di area anglosassone e statunitense.

The 14th LDA Conference,
Saturday September 12th 2015,
Buckingham House, Murray Edwards College,
University of Cambridge

I conferenzieri saranno:

- Dr Hadewychter Hofstede, Radboud University Medical Centre, Netherlands: the difficulties faced by doctors in an infectious diseases clinic.

- Marije Oosting, Radboud University Medical Centre, Netherlands: the immunology of Lyme disease and how this might contribute to treatment failure.

- Dr Brian Fallon, Columbia University, USA: treatment in chronic Lyme disease

- Prof Ying Zhang, Johns Hopkins University, USA: Borrelia persisters and the identification of drugs targeting such forms.

- Dr Jinyu Shan, University of Leicester: Is phage therapy for Lyme disease possible?

- Dr Richard Bingham, University of Huddersfield: Everything you wanted to know about Borrelia, but didn’t know whom to ask.

- Dr Tim Brooks, Public Health England: Current work in PHE around Lyme disease.

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Messaggi: 223
Iscritto il: 15/03/2014, 22:50

Re: 14° conferenza LDA - Cambridge 12 settembre 2015

Messaggioda Franca68 » 25/08/2015, 20:11

C'è anche questa a fine settembre a Vienna: 4
dal 27 al 30 settembre

Messaggi: 51
Iscritto il: 04/01/2015, 7:49

Re: 14° conferenza LDA - Cambridge 12 settembre 2015

Messaggioda Zalmoxis » 30/08/2015, 6:34

Se è per questo, ce ne sono per fortuna tantissime - ad esempio questa, interessante

Lyme Conference

Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 September
Crowne Plaza Antwerp

Richard Horowitz M.D.
Kenny De Meirleir Prof. Dr. e.m.
Armin Schwarzbarch M.D. Ph.D.
Lorene Amet D.Phil. M.Ed

Valerie Obsomer Ph.D.
Pol De Saedeleer R. Pharm.
Rudy Proesmans M.D.
Marjo Valonen M.D.

An Introduction to Lyme and Associated Tick-borne Diseases in the 21st
Why Can't I Get Better? Using the 16 Point MSIDS Map for Resistant
Chronic Disease
Immune Dysregulation in Tick-Borne Diseases
Lyme Fundamentals: Lyme as a Multi-System Disease
Case reports: Herbal and nutritional treatment protocols in Lyme and

Tick-Borne Co-Infections: Presentation, Diagnosis and Treatment
Clinical Studies and Treatment Options in Lyme-MSIDS
Overview Diagnostic Tests for Lyme and Co-infections
Identifying and Treating Chronic Infection Issues in Childhood Autism
Surveillance, Tick Control and Case Management for Ticks and Associated
Diseases in Belgium: a Plan to Reduce the Number of Chronic Lyme Patients
Thyroid and Adrenal Dysfunction in Chronic Lyme

*To register or for more information, click here*


Pol De Saedeleer Pol De Saedeleer R. Pharm.
Member of ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society)

*Lyme Fundamentals: Lyme as a Multi-System Disease*
BBOW Lyme Conference – Saturday 12/9 and Sunday 13/9

ILADS (educating-training) organizes conferences and training to get
physicians acquainted with Lyme disease. In addition to that, the
organization issues treatment guidelines based on scientific studies,
publications and expertise.

Lyme Borreliosis is just a small piece of the intricate puzzle usually
referred to as Lyme disease. As it happens, exclusive Borrelia
infections only rarely occur. Most of the times it is a multi-infectious
disease. This entails among others that the tick has not only been
infected with Borrelia, but also with other pathogenic organisms
(Bartonella, Babaesia, Ehrlichia, Rycketsia…). Moreover, because of the
situation, previous infections can be reactivated (EBV, CMV, Herpes
infections, Chlamydia…).

We notice that ever more patients become infected. Multiple factors are
involved. Due to ecological developments the tick population has
dramatically increased in recent years. Furthermore there is better
screening because of improved lab techniques, which brings to light more
infections. Moreover, the infection can be sexually transmitted (ref.
publication Stricker and Middelveen).

Many patients remain ill, even after application of the guidelines,
because this complex pathology is also a multi-systemic disease. Several
systems get affected: immunity, mitochondrial energy metabolism,
digestion, endocrine system, memory and concentration and so on.

The check-in site for tick bites is a particularly good initiative,
because it allows us to somehow keep track of the risk. Apart from that,
we have to make an effort to offer training to physicians in the form of
seminars and conferences, with a number of important goals. First and
foremost it is crucial to know and recognize clinical symptoms in
patients. Secondly we want to illustrate different diagnostical lab
methods and make sure that lab results can be interpreted correctly.
Finally we strive towards setting up a protocol based on clear
guidelines to fight the infection, but also to support all the different
affected systems.

Pol De Saedeleer Dr. Armin Schwarzbach (M.D., PhD.),
Specialist for laboratory medicine, ArminLabs, Augsburg, Germany

*Overview: Diagnostic Tests for Lyme and Coinfections*
BBOW Lyme Conference – Saturday 12/9 and Sunday 13/9

Lyme-Borreliosis and coinfections are the chameleon of symptoms,
laboratory tests and therapies. Many patients can be infected after
tick-bites with several bacteria within the ticks ("multiple
infections"). The problems are in general, that most symptoms of
tick-borne diseases are not high-specific for Lyme-Borreliosis or other
tick-borne diseases/coinfections ("overlapping symptoms"). There is more
tendency by the entomologists to look at different kinds of ticks by PCR
for other bacteria like Ehrlichia/Anaplasma, Rickettsia, Babesia and
Bartonella. There are many evidence-based studies about Borrelia
burgdorferi and for example Ehrlichia/Anaplams as the causing agents in
patients with inflammatory arthritis. Medical doctors should check all
symptoms regarding coinfections to get an individual clinical “ranking”
of possible coinfections in each patient after tick-bites. The next
diagnostic step consists of doing laboratory tests with the highest
sensitivity and specificity for each possible coinfection according to
the different combination of symptoms. This should be done before
starting any therapy to do the right individual therapy decision for
each patient. This presentation aims to show symptoms and corresponding
laboratory tests for Lyme disease and the most common coinfections in
Europe, explaining the different diagnostic test possibilities for
Borrelia burgdorferi and coinfections.


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